
New Teaching Series on Climate Justice

Posted in: Blog, Church resources, Comment, News
Date posted: 22 September 2023

Operation Noah trustee, Mick Oliver, reviews this powerful new teaching series from Revd Jon Swales and Alice Brencher.

In a world of news and stories, truth and lies, it’s hard to navigate how, as a Christian, I should respond to climate change. It’s also hard to navigate my own feelings of despair, worry, guilt and hope. 

The Revd John Swales with Alice Brencher leads a series of six in-depth studies into climate justice, explaining and exploring how we should respond as Christians. This is done in a truth-filled, gentle manner through facts, Bible verses, prayers and personal reflective poems. 

This teaching series from Swales and Brencher is good follow-on to Operation Noah’s Tenants of the King Bible study, which I highly recommend. The sessions are:

  1. Climate justice – the story we find ourselves in
  2. Climate justice – just Jesus – enacting the kingdom in a world of climate injustice
  3. Climate justice – discipleship – re-evaluating what we prize
  4. Protest and activism – driving a spoke into the wheel of climate injustice
  5. Lament – a spiritual resource for a hurting world
  6. Cruciform adaptation – living faithfully and dying well

The course can be used in many ways:

  • Listen to it while getting in those 10k steps (that’s what I did!)
  • Watch at home with a few friends, chatting about it at various points over tea and cake or glass of wine 
  • Suggest it to your church home groups
  • Think of something else and let us know! 

See the videos here.

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